
Your child might protest when it comes to brushing their teeth, doing homework assigned by their tutor, and performing other routine tasks. As a parent, you might be tempted to give in from time to time. However, saying "no" to your youngster's demands will actually benefit them in the long run for the following reasons. 

3 Ways Kids Benefit from Hearing the Word "No"

1. Develop Patience

Although saying "yes" to your child's demands might provide them with instant gratification, it doesn't prepare them for the challenges they will face in their personal and professional life later on. Saying "no" helps set a strong foundation for realistic expectations, so your child won't develop a sense of entitlement. Your youngster will learn that they must be patient and work toward the desired outcome. 

2. Provides Security


Giving in to your child's requests one or two times and then saying "no" to the same request later on will leave your child confused. Consistently saying "no" to your child's demands is a way to set boundaries. 

Creating certain limits and establishing expectations provides predictability for youngsters. This consistency will help your child feel more secure in their home life.

3. Learn Coping Mechanisms

To avoid disappointing your child or making them feel discomfort, you might be inclined to say "yes" to their requests. When a youngster becomes used to always getting their way, they won't know how to handle hearing the word "no" from others once they reach adulthood. 

By hearing the word "no" during childhood, your youngster will find ways to cope with their feelings. This way, they won't become stressed out and overcome with emotion when their wishes aren't instantly granted later on.


To help your child learn to read before they start school, contact the professionals at Reading in Preschool in New York City. Since 2011, the tutors have been providing worldwide reading programs (using The Alexander Reading Method) for children in preschool, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. Learn more about the in-person reading classes online, check out parents' reviews on Instagram, and call (917) 723-1159 to connect with a tutor. 
