
When it comes to a safe driving experience, your auto glass must be fully intact. That's why timely windshield replacement is so crucial, as it ensures clear visibility and enhanced vehicle stability. It's possible to use auto insurance to cover the costs of damage, but the right choice typically depends on your coverage and the costs of repairs. Here are a few things to consider when weighing your options. 

What Does Your Policy Cover?

Different types of insurance offer varying levels of protection. All drivers are required to carry liability coverage, which pays for damage to other vehicles when you're at fault. You can also sign up for collision and comprehensive coverage, which pays for damage to your vehicle. While both policies cover windshield issues, how the damage occurs dictates which policy to use. 

Collision insurance pays for damage that results from a crash with another vehicle. Accordingly, this is the coverage you would use if the windshield damage was caused by a crash with one or more cars. Comprehensive insurance covers all non-collision related damage. If your windshield was damaged because of vandalism or theft, this is the coverage option you would use. 

windshield replacement

Why Your Deductible Matters

In the event you have the right type of insurance, the next step you must consider is your deductible. This is the amount of money you must pay to your insurer before they release funds for repairs. You can decide the deductible amount when signing up for a policy, although they typically range from $500 to $1,000. Deductibles do not apply to liability coverage—they are only a factor when making a collision or comprehensive claim. 

When getting estimates from auto glass shops, consider your deductible amount. If it's more than what the shop is charging, you're better off paying for repairs out of pocket. This will keep your insurance premiums reasonable, while also eliminating the hassle of making a claim. On the other hand, expenses that exceed the deductible amount should be covered by your insurer. 


No matter who pays for windshield replacement, you must work with a reputable auto glass shop for the best results. That's why residents of Riverton, UT, trust in the services provided by Expert Auto Glass. Their technicians are highly trained and certified to ensure the best possible results. When it comes to windshield repair, they offer mobile services at no added charge. They can also schedule same-day appointments for many customers. Visit the website for more information, or call (801) 569-2666 to get started on a quote. 
