
For some people, the time they get to sleep is not that restful. If you’re dealing with sleep apnea, you may be waking up irritable or find yourself struggling to breathe in the middle of the night. To learn more about this sleep disorder, take advantage of these frequently asked questions.

4 FAQ About Sleep Apnea

What are some common signs of sleep apnea?

This sleep disorder is easily observed by the individual’s partner if they sleep in the same room or bed. They might notice the individual waking up and gasping for air. When someone with sleep apnea dozes off again, they will snore and occasionally snort. During the day, they may have headaches, feel fatigued and have a short attention span.

What is going on inside the body?

Sleep apnea is directly related to a decreased amount of airflow to the lungs when sleeping. It is caused when the muscles and other soft tissues inside the neck fall limp, creating a blockage that resists inhalation.

sleep disorderSnoring is the sound of air struggling to be taken in. When air isnt inhaled for 10 seconds or more, the individual experiences an apneic event, and their blood oxygen level can decrease. As an emergency response, the body wakes itself up, so that oxygen intake can resume.

Can this sleep disorder affect my overall health?

Since apneic events often occur in the most restful phase of sleep, patients don’t get the sleep they need to stay healthy. In addition to feeling tired and irritable during the day, the stress of sleep deprivation can have physical consequences.

High blood pressure, weight gain, leg and neck swelling, frequent nighttime urination and gastroesophageal reflux disease can all stem from sleep apnea. If left untreated, patients may experience heart attacks, strokes or even death.

How is it treated?

Most sleep apnea patients find relief from a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressures) machine. This involves a mask, which covers the nose and mouth, and pumps oxygen into the airways, holding them open. The mask straps around the head and allows you to enjoy a full eight or more hours of restful sleep.


If you are looking for the latest improvements with Sleep Apnea and CPAP selection, turn to Hometown Medical. This Medical supply company has been helping patients find relief for over 18 years. Contact this trusted supplier at (601) 933-4699 to learn more about their respiratory services, or feel free to visit their website. Hometown Medical “Improving quality of life”
