
While different species of ticks are present just about everywhere across the United States all year long, they behave differently in different areas and under different conditions. Tick control ticks for one part of the country may not apply to others. To help you better protect yourself, this brief guide explores their activity in Massachusetts. 

When Are The Most Active in MA?

Ticks are active throughout the state every month of the year, but there are peaks in their activity depending on several factors. If you’re careful during these peaks, you can greatly reduce your risk of having any problems with ticks, and you can also schedule your tick control measures more effectively. In general, ticks prefer weather that is warm and humid. The warmth helps them stay mobile, and the humidity keeps them hydrated, since they absorb water from the environment rather than drinking it. 

tick control

However, when the temperature and humidity change, they don’t simply die. They will often find hiding places that help them maintain their ideal conditions, and when that isn’t possible, they can go into a type of hibernation. Be extra careful for ticks during the spring and fall, when the humidity is ideal, but don’t be surprised if you run into one during winter or summer.

How to Avoid Bites

Since ticks are around all the time, it’s crucial to know how best to protect yourself and avoid them. The best method of prevention is to avoid walking in areas of tall grass, where they can easily hitch a ride. They’re also commonly found hanging out in bushes, shrubs, and brush. If you are in these areas, wear long pants and socks. Light colored clothes also make it easier to find unwanted hitchhikers. 


If you’re in need of tick control solutions, reach out to Cape Cod Mosquito Squad in Wellfleet, MA. For over 20 years, these pest control experts have helped homeowners keep the bugs at bay throughout the year. Learn more about their services online, and call (508) 406-7974 to schedule a consultation. 
