
Hamsters are active, playful little animals with soft, shiny coats. But because of their small size, you might not immediately notice if something is wrong. That's why it's important to pay close attention to their behavior and understand what their  normal eating, sleeping, and playing habits are. If you notice any of the following signs, take them to a veterinarian as quickly as possible.

How to Know When Your Hamster Is Sick


1. Hair Loss

Some hamsters may shed normally with the seasons or with age, but if you notice excessive hair thinning, your hamster may be dealing with skin parasites, bacterial infections, fungal disease, or even an allergic reaction to bedding. 

Pay attention to their skin as well. If you notice any lesions or flakiness, or if your hamster is scratching more than normal, you should take them to the vet. Take note of any recent dietary changes or new bedding so those issues can be potentially ruled out. 

2. Diarrhea

For such a small animal, diarrhea can be a serious problem as it can cause them to become dehydrated relatively quickly. Sometimes, simply a change in food or eating too many vegetables can cause a hamster to have diarrhea. However, no matter the suspected cause of the diarrhea, if it doesn’t clear up within a day, call your veterinarian right away.

3. Wet Tail 

Wet tail is a highly contagious bacterial infection that commonly occurs in hamsters that were recently weaned. It causes lethargy, loss of appetite, a ruffled coat, and watery diarrhea, which can make the area around the tail appear wet. Some causes are stress, dietary changes, and crowding. This disease can kill hamsters quickly, so don't put off a visit to the veterinarian.    


If you are looking for a veterinarian for your hamster or other pet, reach out to Fairport Animal Hospital in New York. They service a large variety of animal types, including cats, dogs, reptiles, birds, exotic animals, and some farm animals, throughout the east side of Rochester and Monroe County. You will feel that your pet’s health is in good hands with their friendly and compassionate staff. Call (585) 388-1070 to speak with a team member, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
