
Maintaining an excellent diet is one of the most significant aspects of senior care. With sufficient nutrients from different food groups, you can boost your immune system and mood, ensuring you stay happy and healthy. Below is more information about some of the best foods to add to your diet.

What Are the Best Food Choices for Proper Senior Care?

1. Fibrous Whole-Grains

Many seniors find that their digestive tract will slow down with age. This happens because the lining of the gastrointestinal tract thickens, slowing contractions and increasing the risk of constipation. The healthiest, most reliable solution to this problem is to incorporate foods that contain considerable fiber into your diet. For example, brown rice, whole-grain bread, and nuts will keep your bowel movements consistent, increasing comfort and ease.

2. Fish

senior careAs the tissues in the heart and blood vessels age, so does the risk of inflammation. This can increase your risk of heart disease by up to 75% if you are over the age of 65.

Fortunately, oily fish—such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines—contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These can help reduce inflammation, control blood pressure and clotting, and regularize heartbeats. Incorporate two servings into your weekly meals to ensure excellent heart health.

3. Yogurt

Healthy bones are essential for independent, comfortable movement, and as you age, you may experience a loss of bone mass. To counter this, include generous sources of calcium and vitamin D in your diet, both of which you can find in natural yogurt. These nutrients fortify and restore bone mass, reducing discomfort and the risk of damage.

Furthermore, probiotic yogurts can aid digestion, as well. These provide considerable amounts of fiber, and help to restore healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. If you want to eat more yogurt, incorporate it into your diet as a sweet treat during breakfast, or as dessert after dinner. You can even add fresh fruit to it for further health benefits.


If you need compassionate, knowledgeable senior care specialists in St. Louis, MO, contact Susta's Health Solutions LLC. The staff at this home health care agency has extensive training in providing assistance and companionship to seniors. They offer medication reminders, bathing, light housekeeping, and can even run errands. To find out how they can help, call (314) 833-5940. Visit them online for more information about their services.