
While many assume golf is a low-impact, leisurely sport, it can be rough on a player's hips. The repetitive motion required to deliver power in your swing can lead to injuries. Some hip problems can easily be treated, while others require the help of an orthopedic surgeon. Here is a guide to the most common hip injuries golfers experience and ways you can prevent them. 

What Are Some Golf-Related Hip Injuries? 

1. Degenerative Osteoarthritis

This condition occurs when the cartilage that cushions bones begins to degenerate, causing pain, stiffness, and inflexibility. It is very common with age and can be especially noticeable for golfers. While osteoarthritis can't be reversed, you can help prevent it from worsening by maintaining a healthy weight, modifying exercise, and taking some time off. For pain that can't be controlled by anti-inflammatory medication, consult your orthopedic surgeon. 

2. Muscle Strain


Strain develops when the fibers of a muscle are damaged, typically a result of repetitive pivoting. This can also stem from poor form. Have a professional examine your technique to ensure you aren't putting unnecessary stress on your hips to prevent further damage. Another preventive measure is to warm up before you hit the links. Stretch the surrounding muscles from your abdomen to your gluteus and hamstrings to get blood flowing in the hip area. 

3. Tendonitis

Tendons hold muscles to bones, and they can become inflamed or irritated. You may experience pain, especially during movement, and swelling. Tendonitis can be caused by repetition, lack of stretching, and poor form. Diversifying your workouts, improving your form, resting, and stretching can help stop the condition from worsening. 

4. Stress Fracture 

More than 80% of golf injuries are the result of overuse, which is the main cause of stress fractures. Your orthopedic surgeon will create a treatment program to help your body heal, which typically includes icing the area and resting for several weeks. Listening to your body is key to avoiding stress fractures. If an activity is causing you pain, stop. 


Are you looking for a board-certified surgeon for your orthopedic needs? Look no further than Orthopedic Associates of Hawaii in Honolulu. Since 1968, this accredited medical clinic has used the latest technological advancements in the field to diagnose and treat a wide variety of orthopedic specialties. Through the practice of compassionate care and methods that promote rapid recovery, Orthopedic Associates of Hawaii will have you back on your feet in no time. To find out more, call (808) 536-2261 or visit their website
