
If you turned your HVAC on only to find that it turned off again before it heated your home, your system is short cycling. While there are many causes of short cycling, it can be frustrating, often resulting in a cold house. Learn the most common causes of this issue and what to do about it in the guide below. 

What Causes Short Cycling?

Short cycling is a malfunction that causes your furnace to kick on for short periods before shutting off again. The causes can vary from minor defects to complete system failure.

In some cases, short cycling is caused by a dirty air filter or a thermostat malfunction. For instance, if your thermostat is located in direct sunlight, it can cause it to warm too quickly and urge the furnace to turn off. A clogged air filter may restrict the flow of warm air, causing it to raise the internal temperature and shut down.

Burning fuels in your furnace can produce trace amounts of water that may result in corrosion on your flame sensor. Not only can this result in irregular furnace cycles, but it can also create a fire hazard. You may also experience short cycling if your system overheats or if your furnace is too large for your home, resulting in fast, uneven heat distribution. 

What Should You Do When the System Short Cycles?

hvacWhile many are tempted to diagnose the issue and address repairs themselves, furnace maintenance requires working with both gas and electrical systems, which can be dangerous for those without proper training.

If your system is short cycling, contact a professional HVAC contractor to identify the cause of the issue and make any necessary repairs. For some, repairs or a furnace replacement may be cost-prohibitive. But short cycling furnaces can result in excess energy use, potentially costing you more in utility bills than the price of the repair.


If your HVAC is short cycling, contact Luxury Heating & Air Conditioning in Sheffield Village, OH. With over 70 years of experience, their trained and knowledgeable contractors provide a variety of heating and cooling services, including repairs, maintenance, and replacements for both residential clients. Call (440) 387-4999 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
