
Your home's thermostat controls your HVAC system, allowing you to adjust the temperature of your interior based on your preferences or the weather outside. Although they seem like simple display screens, they're complex and should be included in regular HVAC repair. Otherwise, you may notice one or more of the following issues arise over time. 

4 Common Thermostat Issues 

1. Dirty Thermostat

Thermostats are more complex than they may seem. They have several moving parts that can easily get dirty if they're not clean. To make sure that buildup or grime doesn't interfere with your HVAC's performance, it should be regularly inspected and cleaned. 

You can do this with a small piece of paper to remove buildup from the exterior. HVAC repair may be needed for more serious buildup. 

2. Improper Position

HVAC repair

One of the most common thermostat issues is having it installed in the wrong position within your home. If your thermostat is in direct sunlight, near a vent, or on an exterior wall, the readings can be inaccurate and cause your HVAC system to either work too hard or not hard enough. Ideally, your thermostat should be centrally located and away from any vents. 

3. Outdated System

Although many thermostats are built for longevity, eventually they can become outdated. With the technology available today, an old thermostat may not function as optimally as it used to. You can solve this issue by replacing it with a newer model, potentially with some smart features that can help make managing your home's internal temperature easy and efficient. 

4. Program Defects

Finally, if you have a more modern system, you may occasionally run into some program defects. This may be due to outdated software, or the model itself. To reduce your risk of having a thermostat with program defects, always have a professional perform the installation and original programming. 


When you experience thermostat issues, schedule HVAC repair from the experts at Crescenze Cooling & Heating in North Lawrence, OH. With over 15 years of experience, this Carrier® Factory Authorized Dealer uses the best products available when installing new systems. They're also available 24/7 for emergencies. To learn more about their business, visit them online, or call (330) 830-0800 to request an estimate today.
