
While proper nutrition is essential at any age, it's especially vital for older adults. Since metabolism and appetite change over time, nutritional planning should be included in a comprehensive senior care plan. If your senior loved one isn't eating enough, consider the possible reasons in the guide below.

Why Your Senior Loved One Isn't Eating

1. Loss of Taste & Smell

Your sense of smell is closely tied to appetite and feelings of hunger. However, taste and scent can decrease with age, affecting how seniors perceive food and their natural hunger cues. 

Without the ability to smell or taste, seniors may eat smaller portions or avoid food altogether. To help enhance their appetite, prepare meals using fragrant ingredients, such as herbs, garlic, onions, and other aromatics that may be more enticing and encourage them to eat.

2. Decreased Appetite

senior care

Reduced appetite is common in seniors. As they age, reduced physical activity and a lower metabolic rate mean they require fewer calories to sustain themselves. However, this can also result in undereating, which can lead to poor senior care. In some cases, medical or psychological issues are also to blame. Conditions such as depression or loneliness, low energy, or side effects from certain medications can all contribute to reduced appetite. 

Encourage good eating habits by supporting social meals, setting a regular eating schedule, or providing more nutrient-dense meals rather than larger portions. Helping them exercise can also stimulate their appetite while keeping them active.

3. Forgetting to Eat

Memory disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer's can contribute to poor eating habits, as well as a refusal to eat. In some cases, seniors with memory loss may feel overwhelmed by food choices, believe they've already eaten, or forget to eat altogether. Poor eating habits are especially common in early-onset memory loss and seniors who live alone. Consider setting eating alarms to remind them when it's mealtime. Establish a routine and help them stick with it.


If your senior loved one isn't eating enough, contact Quality Personal Care in Atlanta, GA. Their trained in-home senior care specialists provide extensive meal-planning services, including preparation, cleanup, and companionship. They'll make sure your loved one receives the nutrients they need to stay healthy and thrive. Call (404) 751-5090 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
