
When a farm is Certified Humane®, it has met certain standards for animal care and welfare. An organization called Humane Farm Animal Care is responsible for setting these standards and awarding their label to properties that provide humane treatment to the animals being raised. Learn about some of the criteria that must be met, especially as they relate to goats.

3 Requirements of a Certified Humane Farm

1. All-Natural Diet

Animals must be raised on a diet that is nutrient-dense and free of antibiotics and hormones. They must have free access to their food every day unless directed differently by a veterinarian, and their food must be appropriate for their age, species, and stage of development. Owners are required to keep records of the diet they feed their animals and provide these records upon the request of HFAC inspectors.

2. Adequate Shelter


Every animal on the property needs to have access to shelter. For goats, this is especially important, as they have a low tolerance for wind, rain, and other inclement weather. 

At the same time, their innately social behavior demands they be housed with other goats—or at least within sight and sound of others. The shelter must offer total floor space not less than 1.5 times the minimum area required for a goat to lie down.

3. Hygienic Milking Parlor

The HFAC also establishes benchmarks for milking parlor practices that promote good hygiene. This prevents the spread of infections, keeps the goats healthy and happy, and helps ensure safe dairy products. Milkers should have clean hands when coming into contact with teats and udders, which is why wearing disposable gloves is encouraged. A doe must be clean, dry, and free of sores before milking. Milking equipment must be maintained and cleaned according to the manufacturer's recommendations.


Surfing Goat Dairy in Kula, HI, is a certified humane goat farm. They're proud to provide their goats with the support and nourishment needed to flourish and live long, healthy lives. Plus, they sell their own goat cheeses, goat cheese infused chocolate truffles, goat milk soaps, and other gifts. If you want a closer look at their farm, sign up for a tour that will give you an introduction to the animals and the processes in place to care for them. Call (808) 878-2870 or visit the farm's website to learn more about their tours and products.
