
The pump is a vital part of your irrigation equipment, transporting water to crops throughout your property. Over time, however, pump service problems could occur that keep your system from delivering water effectively. Here are some common irrigation pump problems that could affect your farm.

Top 3 Pump Problems Impacting Irrigation Equipment

1. Fouling

Agricultural water often contains particles such as silt and sand. It isn’t unusual for this particulate matter to adhere to the internal surface of the pump, or for a pump to fail to expel particulates in its outflow. 

Similar issues, as well as clogging, often occur in the distribution lines as well when high levels of silt or sand are present. Fouling can decrease the efficiency of the pump, as it is forced to work harder to account for the presence of particulates.

2. Excess Wear

irrigation equipment

Water contamination will also cause wear to the pump’s internal components. Issues with the pH or chemical contaminants can cause damage to pump seals, resulting in costly leaks. Even the presence of small particulates can accelerate wear by scouring and pitting the pump’s interior surfaces. 

Excess wear can eventually damage the pump to the point where it cannot produce enough pressure to deliver water to crops.

3. Falling Water Levels

Low groundwater levels can also create problems for an irrigation pump. When there isn’t sufficient water available, the pump will suck in air. The infusion of air bubbles into the water supply causes cavitation, which results in pitting on the pump’s internal components. 

In many instances, farmers need to dig deeper wells to ensure they can draw enough water from the local aquifer. However, if the pump’s strainer is plugged at the source of water by a plastic sack, weeds, or other debris, the issue can typically be solved by removing the blockage.

If you need help troubleshooting your irrigation equipment, contact Ernst Irrigation in St. Paul, OR. This full-service agricultural dealership can create custom irrigation systems, as well as repair or replace equipment. Their agricultural specialization allows them to help farms, dairies, nurseries, and more. To learn more about their irrigation services or schedule an appointment, visit them online or call (503) 633-1111.
