We expect that May 4th will be a date that we will look to start slowly introducing a very structured lesson plan. We will be only offering 1 on 1 lesson format. Only the coach and athlete in the facility. Parents will be asked to remain outside. We will not have any additional staff so payments will be made to coach or the business Venmo/PayPal
Instruction will be available Monday - Thursday
Coaches will be available 2 hours per day - no more than two coaches at one time
Coaches will be given Clorox 360 to spray after each hitting session
Coaches will have a 15-30 min space in between the two-hour blocks. This time will be used to wipe down equipment and clean prior to the next coach's arrival.
THZ will be providing coaches with a cloth mask to wear during lessons. Players will be responsible for their own.
THZ will request a thermometer read prior to instruction. We will provide a no-touch thermometer.
We have taken some necessary precautions prior to the potential of reopening. We will have the full facility sprayed again with the Clorox 360 Electro Spray which is known to kill the COVID 19. We have sprayed the facility twice since early March.
While we fully understand any concerns we are going to continue to monitor the suggestions by health officials from St. Charles County and the CDC. Again, we feel that we can monitor the use of the facility with open doors, airflow, and the suggested precautions prior to entering. We currently have two hand sanitizer stations and we will add a 3rd near the entrance/exit into batting cage area.
What we have done up to date
March 2nd, 2020 - Facility used SBJ Industrial to supply new/upgraded disinfectants including the fogging of the facility using Razor with an electrospraying technique.
March 9th, 2020 - reduced number of participants to less than 50 persons. Canceled all team activities
March 16th, 2020 - reduced the number of participants to less 10 or fewer persons - used Clorox 360 provided by the parent who works for http://www.sbmmanagement.com this product tested by EPA and shown to effectively kill COVID-19 virus.
March 23rd, 2020 - Closed facility until further notice. Re-Evaluation date April 5th, 2020.
March 25th, 2020 - contacted by parent notifying other parent tested positive for COVID-19. Opened full facility and all doors.
March 26th, 2020 - used Clorox 360 to clean facility high traffic areas including bathrooms.
March 23rd to current - THZ CLOSED
May 1st - Clorox 360 to clean full facility
May 4th - potential reopen for a minimal and controlled activity
Like many, we are wanting to get back to normal. However, we will not put any of our athletes or instructors at risk. We will be continually monitoring updates in the upcoming days. We will have another post prior to May 4th to determine the next steps.