Why You Should Consider a Sports Vision Therapy Assessment
When it comes to success on the field, performance depends on hand-eye coordination, eye tracking, and depth perception. But if your child seems to enjoy sports less than they once did or they're experiencing a hitting slump, their vision might be to blame. Use the following guide to learn more about sports vision assessments and how they can help restore or improve your child's athletic performance.
What Is Sports Vision Therapy?
Sports vision therapy is designed to change how you process and interpret visual information, improving optical efficiencies in vision-centered sports, such as baseball or tennis.
During a sports vision assessment, your eye doctor will provide a comprehensive evaluation to determine the strength of your child's vision, overall eye health, and the refractive condition of their eyes.
They will perform various tests to evaluate the vital areas of their visual function, including eye-tracking, depth perception, and focus. They will also assess their visual discrimination, which tests their visual memory, spatial relationships, vestibular integration, and ability to identify subtle differences.
Once complete, your doctor will create a personalized vision therapy program, using skill enhancements to address vision issues that strengthen weak points, improve visual comfort, and promote optical efficiency for increased performance.
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Signs Your Child May Benefit From a Sports Vision Therapy Assessment
Vision problems can impact sports performance in children and adults.
However, children are often unaware their vision is the cause of decreased performance, making it especially important for parents to know the signs.
Your child may be experiencing visual issues if their eye-hand coordination diminishes throughout a game or during practice. You may also notice their visual judgment becomes less accurate when they're fatigued from extensive gameplay.
Excessive blinking, watery eyes, and double vision complaints are also indicators of tired or over-stressed eyes, as is drifting in and out of zones. If your child squints to focus on near or far away items, or if they turn their head to use one eye rather than the other, they could be experiencing treatable vision conditions.
After visiting an eye doctor for a sports vision therapy assessment, help your child strengthen and improve their baseball game at The Hitting Zone in O'Fallon, MO. Their team of professional and skilled instructors will work with your child to rebuild their confidence, hone their skills, and improve their overall gameplay. Contact them today at (636) 272-1015 to speak with a staff member, or visit them online to learn more about their services.