Rochester's 3D Printing Company Explains Rapid Prototyping
Rapid Prototyping (RP) is an invaluable part of manufacturing efforts and is used to create models of a product for testing in order to iron out flaws in the design before it goes into final production. The use of plastics play a key role in this indispensable area of manufacturing, and Faro Industries in Rochester, NY, has been at the forefront of the plastic fabrication industry since 1967.
Rapid Prototyping is a set of techniques that use data acquired from a three-dimensional computer design in order to fabricate a scale model of a part or assembly. This saves on time and money by enabling all those involved in the production and sale of the product to get a good idea of how it will look and function. Opinions and suggestions can be voiced before the production stage, which can decrease costly mistakes.
The latest development for rapid prototyping is the increasingly popular use of 3D printers. Now, the development of these scale models and custom-machined parts is as simple as entering computer-aided designs into the machine and printing out the product as easily as one would a text document. This process uses fused deposit modeling to lay down layer after layer of plastic until the entire model is completed to the precise specifications of the computer design. Faro Industries is proud to be a 3D printing specialist, using this technology for both its prototypes and direct manufacturing to meet its consumers' exacting needs.
For those in need of custom plastic fabrication, turn to Faro Industries. They construct all of their forms and tools in-house, meaning they can provide fabrication designs and prototypes in less time and with more direct communication than their competitors. To learn more about what they can do for you, visit their website, or call (585) 647-6000.