4 Advantages of Ultrasonic Welding
Ultrasonic welding is one of the most versatile methods of joining a wide variety of materials. From computer components to product packaging, the technique has several advantages that sets it apart from the alternatives. If you’re considering this option, here are just a few reasons why it’s such a highly regarded process for industry professionals.
Why Choose Ultrasonic Welding?
1. Less Heat
The high temperatures generated by other methods of welding, such as friction or vibration, can cause severe distortions in the materials—especially for those with high thermal conductivity, like gold, silver, copper, and aluminum. Ultrasonic welding, on the other hand, uses acoustic energy to create friction. The process generates much less heat, leading to more-uniform packaging with fewer distortions.
2. Tight Seals & No Seams
Ultrasonic welding doesn’t require filler materials. This, combined with lower temperatures, allows the process to create beautiful joints that are nearly invisible to the naked eye. Further, the pleasing aesthetic doesn’t compromise durability. As such, it’s a perfect choice for products that prioritize sanitation, like food packaging and medical supplies.
3. Lower Production Costs
Because ultrasonic welding doesn’t need filler materials, adhesives, or fasteners such as soldering materials, glue, and screws, each project is more cost-effective. Moreover, the process uses less energy than other forms of welding, saving on needless expense and promoting higher profit margins.
4. Saves Time
With almost no time spent on curing or drying, ultrasonic welding is a faster process overall than the alternative. Since it is automated, it also saves work hours spent on each project and allows businesses to manufacture more products in less time.
Interested in saving time and money with ultrasonic welding? Faro Industries has been a leader in the plastics industries for over 50 years. From its headquarters in Rochester, NY, the company has helped pioneer cutting-edge techniques used in food packaging, as well as the automotive and medical industries. For more information, call (585) 647-6000 to speak with a friendly representative. Visit the website to learn more about these professionals, what sets them apart, and how they can assist.