
An incredible modern technology, 3D printing has applications in all types of industries. Whether you’re creating a new prototype or want custom plastic made, this can improve your manufacturing process. This relatively new technology is not fully understood by all, so learn more below to decide whether it’s right for you.

3 Facts to Know About 3D Printing

1. Printing Is Done In Layers

The printer works by inputting a design in the form of a digital file into the computer running the printer. This is usually created with a CAF (computer-aided design) or CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) program.

The 3D printer then sets down the material layer after layer through a nozzle until the object is completed. This is similar to the way inkjet printers place layers of ink on paper.

2. A Variety of Materials Can Be Used

3D printingThree-dimensional printing does not limit the type of material you can use for manufacturing. Common materials used include thermoplastic, titanium, wood ceramic, resin, polylactic acid, glass-filled polyamide, photopolymers, silver, steel, wax, nylon, and polycarbonate. Each material has its own strengths, so your manufacturing company can help you choose the right one for your project’s needs.

3. The Process Can Be Affordable

It’s a common misconception that 3D printing is too costly to practically use. This is because it requires a high upfront investment. However, once you have your design set up, the printing itself becomes extremely low-cost and uses minimal energy. It also produces little to no waste.  


If you’re interested in adding 3D printing to your manufacturing process, head to Faro Industries. They specialize in 3D printing in a variety of materials in Rochester, NY. Their fused deposit modeling provides low-volume production services and rapid prototyping, all with diligent attention to detail. Since opening in 1967, they have built a reputation for being at the forefront of the professional plastics industry. Learn more on their website and call (585) 647-6000 to schedule an estimate.
