
At-home teeth whitening products have been popular for years now, but many people don't realize that they can get a similar procedure done at their dentist's office. This brief guide looks at some of the wonderful benefits that come with this procedure.

Why You Should Get Your Teeth Whitened

1. More Confidence

If you're the type of person who's self-conscious about their smile or who's nervous about showing their teeth, professional teeth whitening can give you the confidence boost you need to show those pearly whites with ease. This can leave you happier and more fulfilled with your daily life while also showing those around you how content and confident you are. Such a massive self-esteem boost is hard to find elsewhere. Having whiter teeth can also help you professionally, by showing those you interact with that you take your health and appearance seriously.

teeth whitening

2. Long-Term Oral Health Benefits

When whitening your teeth with a professional rather than at home, you reap the benefits of the professional's experience and specialized equipment. Your whitening will last longer as a result of their specialized methods, which can remove stains from deeper in the enamel. And once those stains are gone, your teeth can get back to their self-care routine with renewed vigor. Professional whitening allows your teeth to build enamel faster and stay healthier for longer. This reduces your risk of cavities, gum disease, and plaque all in one go. 

3. Convenience and Speed

With most at-home whitening applications, you need to use their product daily or weekly for extended periods of time, disrupting your normal bedtime routine and costing you precious hours of your day. With professional teeth whitening services, you can accomplish more than a full round of at-home treatment would in just a single one-hour session. This saves you time, energy, and effort, all while producing better results.


If you're looking to get your teeth cleaned, reach out to Dr. Mead & Dr. Houston Dentistry in Lake Havasu, AZ. These professionals have decades of experience cleaning patients' teeth in a calm, comfortable, and professional setting. They can help you feel confident in your smile again in just one short session. Learn more about their services online, and call (928) 855-5061 to schedule an appointment. 
