
The saxophone is a versatile instrument synonymous with music from the soul and smooth jazz realms. If you are a burgeoning saxophonist looking to hone your skills, use this guide to get a better grasp of the instrument. Your playing abilities will sharpen, and you’ll have more fun experimenting with different music.

How to Improve Your Abilities as a Saxophonist

1. Breathe From Your Diaphragm

Focus on using your stomach or diaphragm—not your chest—to push air from your lungs. Your torso should elongate and widen when you breathe in, while your abdomen expands outward. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing helps your throat stay open to keep the flow of breath continuous. Without breath control, it becomes challenging to hold notes or switch from one note to another without interruption.

2. Always Wet Your Reed

Purchase quality reeds that won’t splinter in your mouth and remember to wet the accessory before playing. A wet reed vibrates correctly to produce consistent sounds. Keep in mind that reeds eventually wear out, causing you to push harder without replacements.

3. Be Mindful of Your Posture

saxophonistEnsure you are sitting or standing up straight when you play to give your diaphragm as much room as possible to enlarge. An essential fundamental for saxophonists and other horn players, correct posture gives your diaphragm the space necessary to help you play longer, stronger, and with better tone and vibrato.

4. Choose a Comfortable Position

Pick from one of the classic saxophonist positions by placing the instrument between your legs or on the right side of your legs. No matter which position feels the most comfortable, avoid excess movement since different angles change your sound. Even the smallest changes can affect vibrato and tone or create fingering challenges that keep you from playing the right note.

5. Practice

Practice daily to perfect your breath control, posture, positioning, and overall playing ability. The more you practice anything, the more proficient you become. Consistent practicing helps you learn to experiment with different sounds and styles faster so that you can start jamming with fellow musicians sooner. 


Improve your skills further with help from Walter Hansen Music. Accomplished saxophonist Walter Hansen performs smooth jazz, instrumental smooth jazz, and chillwave music throughout the Pacific Northwest while also writing and producing music. Call (813) 486-5735 with songwriting inquiries, or grab some of his merchandise on the website. See his latest releases online, and follow him on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pandora, and Spotify to keep the smooth jazz sounds flowing.
