
Solar lights are an attractive and simple way to light up a path or make your garden glow at night. Caring for your solar lighting installation is as simple as planting in the ground and leaving them in summer, but how do you care for them in winter? The following guide answers four frequently asked questions about solar lights in winter. 

What to Know About Solar Lights During Winter

Can solar lights be kept outside during winter?

Solar lights are meant to stay outside even during the winter. They’re designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, including snow, rain, ice, and strong winds.

How are solar lights charged in the winter?

lighting installationNo matter what season it is, solar lights always charge the same way. However, you can improve your solar lighting installation’s ability to charge by positioning them at a 45-degree angle instead of straight up and down to catch the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the day.

Will they work on cloudy days?

Winter weather features plenty of overcast and cloudy days with heavy snowfall, but your solar lights will continue to work even without sunny skies. Solar panels are sensitive enough to build a charge even from indirect sunlight. Winter sunlight will continue to build up a charge in your light’s batteries, even with light snow coverage on the panels. If heavy snow or ice builds up on the panels, use a dry towel to wipe it away—don’t use cleaning agents or de-icers on the panels, as this can degrade them. Keep in mind, your solar lights may not run all night long during winter because most models need four to five hours of direct sunlight to charge fully.  

How long will my solar lights shine during the night?

During winter in the US, the Northern Hemisphere tilts away from the sun, resulting in fewer hours of daylight for your solar lights to charge. As a result, your solar lights may not shine all night long like they do in warmer months. To give your solar lighting installation a boost, some models can supplement their power source with lithium-ion batteries. Most batteries do not operate as efficiently in colder weather, so you may need to change them once or twice before spring.


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