Podiatry offices treat chronic issues like bunion pain and plantar fasciitis. Many also treat patients suffering from broken toes. If you’ve recently injured your toe and you’re wondering whether it needs to be evaluated by a foot specialist, here are some common symptoms.
How to Tell if You Broke Your Toe
1. Pain
Immediately after you stub your toe, drop something heavy on it, or trip, throbbing pain can occur. When this pain persists and your toe is very tender to the touch, there may be a bone fracture that should be addressed by a foot specialist.
2. Swelling
When a bone fractures, your body’s immediate instinct is to drive additional white blood cells and fluid to that area. Thus, a swollen toe is a clear indicator of an injury below the surface.
Apply an ice pack to your foot and elevate it to control swelling and pain. If after several hours the swelling remains and the toe feels red or hot to the touch, there may be a broken bone.
3. Discoloration
In the days and hours that follow a toe trauma, you may notice skin discoloration due to broken blood vessels. Blue, purple, or even yellow bruising of the skin is a direct reflection of the force your toe endured.
4. Nail Bed Trauma
Depending on how and where you sustained the injury, a break could also result in trauma to the nail bed. This can include bleeding underneath the nail, known as a subungual hematoma. When blood develops under the nail bed, a podiatrist needs to drain the excess fluid to reduce pain, prevent infection, and save the nail from falling off.
If you’re experiencing a combination of broken toe symptoms, Podiatry Associates of Rochester is ready to provide a thorough, yet efficient assessment to ensure your toe heals properly. Residents throughout Monroe County depend on these foot specialists and their support staff for expert care. To schedule an appointment at the location nearest you, call (585) 342-8700 or (585) 426-7320. For more information on their services, visit them online.