
If you're hurt on the job, you are entitled to workers' compensation. This is a type of insurance employers take out to cover related expenses, like medical bills, if an employee is injured at work. Before awarding compensation in a workers' compensation claim, however, an investigation will usually take place. Here's what you should know about what this entails and how it can impact your claim below.

What Do Workers' Comp Investigators Do?

workers' compensation

Insurance companies want to rule out fraud before awarding money for an incident. An investigation confirms that your claim isn't fraudulent and that the amount of compensation is fitting. Investigators may contact you directly to establish the facts of your case and may also conduct interviews with your friends, coworkers, neighbors or family. An investigation can also include doing surveillance of you in person and of your online activities. For example, if you claim that your workplace injury causes back pain but then post a social media video of yourself carrying your friend on your back, this could be held against you.

What Can't They Do?

It's not illegal for an insurance investigator to check your public social media profiles or even to observe you in public places, like stores. They are also permitted to take pictures or videos of you in public places. However, they can't trespass on private property, hack your email or phone, or use technology to track your movements, such as placing a tracking device on your car. If an investigator shows up at your house, you are under no obligation to let them in and can politely tell them to leave.

How Can You Protect Your Workers' Comp Claim?

The thought of being the subject of an investigation can be disheartening, but this shouldn't worry you. The point of this investigation is to detect fraud. With a genuine claim, no issues should arise. Nonetheless, assume you are being investigated and act accordingly. Limit what you post on social media, avoiding posting about your injuries. Also, follow all doctor's orders regarding restrictions. Basically, make sure your actions are in line with your injuries. Additionally, don't push yourself beyond your limits; this will also help you heal faster.


If you need support with a workers' comp case in Onalaska, WI, put your trust in Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Butler LLC. As the largest law firm in La Crosse, they focus primarily on helping persons with lawsuits related to injuries and disability, giving you the legal expertise you need. Since opening their doors in 1982, they have won more than $90 million in damages for their clients. Visit their website or call (608) 784-4370 to request a free consultation. 
