
New cabinets can transform the appearance of your kitchen. To ensure they remain in excellent condition, however, it’s important to practice regular maintenance. The steps you take to care of them now will protect them in the long run, ensuring that they look just as good years down the line. Here are several tips to keep in mind.

How to Maintain New Cabinetry

1. Clean Them Regularly

Periodic cleaning is vital to general upkeep. If you neglect to wipe down the surfaces with warm water every now and again, dust, grease, and grime are likely to accumulate quickly. Perform a quick clean at least once every couple of weeks. Wipe in the grain’s direction if they’re made of wood to prevent noticeable streaks from forming. Finish with a dry microfiber cloth to remove lingering moisture.

2. Tackle Stains Promptly

cabinetsPerforming regular maintenance also allows you to keep a close eye on the condition of the cabinets. To prevent stains entirely, wipe cabinets as soon as you detect a spill or splatter. If stains do develop, address them promptly to prevent them from setting into the material.

Use an even mixture of water and white vinegar to remove oily fingerprints and grease remnants. If food splatters onto the surface, create a paste with baking soda and water and apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it off.

3. Minimize Different Extremes

Extremes can affect the cabinets. For example, steam seeping up from a coffeemaker can cause moisture buildup and potential stains on cabinetry. Excessive heat could warp the wood. Even exposure to potent ultraviolet rays could mar the appearance of wood over time. Take steps to safeguard the space by using window coverings and being mindful of humidity levels in the room.

If you’re ready to upgrade your kitchen or bathroom, turn to Sloan Scott Custom Cabinetry in Lexington, KY. The family-owned and -operated company customizes beautiful cabinets made with the highest quality materials, allowing you to make your dream designs a reality. Visit the website for more information on their services or call (859) 983-6233 for a quote. 
