
Many seniors could benefit from extra care and attention as they age. However, not everyone wants to relocate to an assisted living community. Luckily, home health care services are available to provide this extra attention in the home. Here’s a rundown of these services for seniors and their families. 

Answers to Common Home Health Care Questions

What is in-home care?

Home health care describes a range of medical and personal care services that seniors and individuals with disabilities may receive in their homes. Caregivers either visit the house on a set schedule or some may provide live-in care. This allows individuals to stay where they’re most comfortable while still receiving the assistance they need to remain independent. 

What services can caregivers provide? 

home health care

Caregivers may provide basic medical care and/or help with household chores. For seniors who simply need help maintaining their homes, caregivers may offer services like cleaning, laundry, cooking, bathing, and dressing. Those with medical training can also help with medication management and maintaining medical supplies like catheters and ostomy equipment. 

Are caregivers qualified to provide medical care?

The training and qualifications of each caregiver may vary based on the needs of the patient. If your loved one requires assistance with medical issues, like medication or catheters, you may benefit from a service that provides in-home nurses. If they simply need help with cleaning and errands, then medical training is not required. 

Is home health care covered by insurance? 

Each service provider is different. However, it is possible to have in-home care covered by long-term care insurance. If your loved one has Medicaid, make sure your provider offers Medicaid-approved care. 

If you’re looking for home health care for a loved one, contact Angel’s Care Home Health Services in St. Louis, MO. The agency offers customizable senior services to meet the specific needs of each family. Whether you’re looking for in-home nurses or consumer-directed services, the friendly and knowledgeable team can walk you through the options and ensure your loved one gets the care they need. Visit the website for a full list of services, or call (314) 381-0321 to discuss your family’s needs. 
