
Weeds are a constant threat to grass and garden plants. The intrusive vegetation steals nutrients and moisture from other plants. That is why professional landscapers use chemical-based and organic products to combat weed growth. To understand why this service is necessary, learn more about how weed control benefits other plants below. 

Why It’s Crucial to Invest in Weed Control Solutions

1. Native Plants Won’t Have to Compete for Room

Beyond moisture and nutrients, native plants fight with weeds for sunlight and space to grow. Weeds have strong root systems that can spread and leave little room for native vegetation.

Without access to ample water and nutrients deep in the soil, ornamental plants won’t meet growth expectations. The weeds will overshadow the smaller plants and absorb all the sunlight. When landscapers eradicate the weeds’ complex root systems, ornamental plants won’t have to fight to survive.

2. Weeds Won’t Have a Chance to Overtake the Yard

landscapersIf one or two weeds are left to grow, the intrusive vegetation will quickly engulf the native plants. That is because weeds produce a lot of seeds, which are spread throughout the yard by wind and settle in the soil. Landscapers will apply weed control products in spring. This kills the vegetation during the active growing season before it has a chance to release more seeds to germinate.   

3. There Is Less Risk of Pest Infestations

Certain beetles, flies, and other insects are attracted to weeds. Once the pests feed on intrusive vegetation, they could continue the feast by eating your ornamental plants. By controlling weed growth, landscapers will make your yard less appealing to damage-causing pests.


To give your plants the best chance for survival, contact the landscapers at Outer Images Lawn & Landscape in Edwardsville, IL. The trained technicians will apply eco-friendly lawn care services to make your yard less hospitable to weed growth. To schedule lawn maintenance in the Madison County area, call (618) 971-8472. See project photos on the company’s website and Facebook page. 
