Pregnancy can be as thrilling as it is challenging, but either way, it’s easier when you can feel confident about the father’s identity. Fortunately, you have the option of paternity testing. As you prepare for the journey of pregnancy and motherhood, consider how this type of test can help you get off to a good start.
Can You Do Paternity Testing While Pregnant?
It’s perfectly safe to do paternity testing if you’re at least eight weeks pregnant with a single baby (non-invasive prenatal paternity testing is not possible for multiple babies at once because their DNA cannot be reliably isolated). Non-invasive prenatal paternity testing poses no risk to you or your baby—it simply requires small DNA samples from you and the possible father.
What Is the Process Like?
The lab draws your blood, where your baby’s DNA can be found. Genetic specialists can then examine the blood, separating your DNA from that of your child’s. After taking a cheek swab or blood sample from the possible father, they’ll compare the remaining DNA to his and determine the likelihood of paternity. The whole process takes roughly a week.
What Are the Benefits?
There are numerous benefits of paternity testing. Simply knowing the identity of the father can bring peace of mind to you, which is important for your mental and emotional health. It also allows the father to be involved and supportive throughout the pregnancy, making it easier for you to endure. You can also use the test results for legal matters, such as obtaining child support.
For reliable and compassionate paternity testing, go to AccuDNA in St. Louis, MO. Having provided affordable and quality DNA testing services since 2005, they’ll expertly and sensitively guide you through the process of determining paternity. They ensure that their services are always clean, efficient, and personalized to your situation and needs. They’ll even open early or stay late to accommodate your schedule if saliva is required. To make an appointment, call them today at (314) 845-9997 or message them online.