Normally, DNA testing during pregnancy is a simple process. Your technician will collect a cheek swab from both mother and father, as well as a blood sample from the mother. The blood sample contains the DNA of both the mother and the baby, which can be separated for testing. However, there are some situations in which DNA testing during pregnancy is not possible. If you fall into one of these situations, you will need to wait until after the birth for accurate DNA testing.
Multiple Babies
If you are having twins, triplets, or even a larger number of children, all of the DNA of the babies is present in the mother's blood. It all crosses the placenta in the same way and is mixed together without any barrier between the different types. Current technology cannot effectively separate the different DNA samples for testing. Any test on the combined sample would be inconclusive because of the mixture of DNA present. For accurate testing, you need to wait until it's possible to collect separate samples using a cheek swab after the babies are born.
Surrogacy, IVF, & Donor Eggs
Genetic testing is often important in surrogacy and IVF arrangements, and couples want to do it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, when the egg does not come from the pregnant individual, or there is a possibility that it came from someone else, prenatal DNA testing is not possible. The extra set of DNA involved confuses test results and invalidates both maternity and paternity testing. Instead, your child can be tested immediately after birth. Once again, this only requires cheek swabs from the parents and baby, and test results are fast, allowing you to clear up any questions about relationships within days.
If you're having trouble getting prenatal DNA testing, contact AccuDNA to learn more about your options. Based in Saint Louis, MO, since 2004, this locally owned relationship testing company takes pride in being accurate, affordable, and confidential. Call (314) 845-9997 or send a message online to get started.