Attract Birds to Your Yard With Lawn & Garden Supplies in Clifton
Spring has arrived in Clifton, TX, once again, and residents are beginning to see a plethora of wildlife re-emerging. Among this group is a bevy of beautiful local birds; if you enjoy seeing these sprightly creatures around your home and in your yard, Clifton Feed and Service Center is your go-to location for bird feeders, bird food, and other lawn and garden supplies to make your house a bird-friendly spot.
If you want to get a closer look at these friendly beaked faces this spring, Clifton Feed and Service Center has some easy tips on how to get the birds of our region to come to you:
- Select The Right Seed: Believe it or not, birds can be quite picky about the kind of seed they eat—it can often depend on the species. Come into Clifton Feed and Service Center, where their staff can advise you on the best bird seed mixes for your area.
- Find A Bird Feeder: A reputable center for lawn and garden supplies will carry a quality selection of bird feeders to accommodate any yard. Place your feeder where it won't be overrun by squirrels or raccoons, and birds are sure to make an appearance.
- Plant Trees: Birds aren’t likely to come into a yard that is free of shelter. Birds love shrubs and trees that provide them with cool shade and protection from predators. If you increase the number of appealing branches in your yard, birds just might take up permanent residence for the season.
For more information about attracting lovely birds to your yard with bird feeders, or about any of their other lawn and garden supplies, call Clifton Feed and Service Center at (254) 675-3416 today! You can also check out their stock of farm supplies, lawn treatment, pocket knives, and more at their website.