Watch your Mail
We will begin to publish a monthly newsletter with timely information to help you with your livestock operation. Feel free to send us ideas on new topics!
Addition to the Team
Steve Conrad has joined the Clifton Feed team as of April 24, 2017. His focus will be customer service with a priority on customer visits, market evaluation, product development and feeding recommendations. Steve will try to visit as many customer’s operations as time will allow. Call us to set up an appointment. Also, Steve’s cell number is (979) 814-0700.
Cattle Mineral Supplementation
The main diet for cattle is forage which can be fresh grass available during the growing season or hay. In most cases available forage will be lacking in the required mineral, protein or energy content that cattle need to be productive. Always begin your supplement program with addressing the mineral deficiency first. Cattlemen should select a cattle mineral product that supplies extra macro minerals such as Calcium, Phos-phorus, Salt, and Magnesium. A good mineral will also supply many micro minerals such as Copper, Sele-
Fly Control can also be a part of your mineral program, particularly during spring and summer when flies can reduce productivity in cattle. Consider using mineral products that contain an IGR such as Altosid. Altosid will be consumed with the mineral by cattle and deposited in the manure to prevent the development of fly larva into adult flies. This is a very effective way to control horn flies on cattle.
“New” Creep Feed at Clifton Feed
We have added Purina Stocker/Grower 14 BVT creep feed to our cattle feed line up. This new product con-tains Bovatec, a feed additive that greatly increases feed efficiency in ruminant animals along with providing some control of coccidiosis. It is very safe and can add extra weight gain to calves on creep feed. Always keep creep feed fresh and dry so that calves maintain a consistent consumption level. No VFD (Veterinary Feed Directive) is necessary to use Stocker/Grower 14 BVT.