
Cattle Meeting Review
We would like to extend a big “Thank You” to all beef producers that attended our beef cattle seminar meet-ing on August 24th! The BBQ was delicious, it rained that evening, and we were able to learn some of the sci-ence behind “Rumenology”. Here are some of the key points that were discussed:

  1. Cattle have the unique ability to digest forage in a big stomach called the rumen. Billions of Microbes breakdown forage and turn it into Volatile Fatty Acids that provide energy for the animal.

  2. We can help cattle digest the most forage if we feed supplements that keep the pH above 6.2 in the ru-men. A supplement program that increases feeding frequency will keep the pH higher.

  3. Purina has developed Intake Modify Technology that “meters” supplement into the rumen all day long, therefore providing the best rumen pH environment possible. Cattle can reach maximum productivity using IM Technology.

Cattle Feed Booking
Clifton Feed will offer a winter booking program later this month (September) to help you save some money and lock in pricing for the winter. Watch your mail, email, and our Facebook page for the dates of the pro-gram. If you would like to receive info by email, let us know:

Bosque Beef Academy
We will offer a very good continuing education program for beef producers that begins in October. Come by to visit and we can give you the details. Listed below is the course schedule. Sign-up for the initial class now.

See us for your SEED OATS!
“Bulk OR Bags available”
