What to Feed a Dairy Goat
If you have a dairy goat as a pet, you know how fun, spirited, and loving these animals can be. To ensure they have a long and healthy life and are able to give the highest quality milk, you want to choose the right livestock feed for your goat. Below are a few feeding staples that should be a part of any dairy goat's regular diet.
A Feeding Guide for Dairy Goats
1. Legume Hay
A milking dairy goat needs a daily portion of legume hay, such as alfalfa. Legume hay is healthier than grass hays, with more calcium, protein, and energy sources. In general, a goat should have about two to four pounds of legume hay per day, which should equal three to four percent of their body weight in pounds. It can be fed free-choice or twice daily.
2. Grain Rations
You can give a milking dairy goat a grain ration formulated for a milk-producing cow. You will have plenty of options with this type of livestock feed, so be sure to check the ingredients. Dairy goats tend to prefer cracked or rolled grain over ground grain and wet molasses over dry molasses.
If the goat doesn't have access to hay, or the available hay isn't the best quality, look for a grain livestock feed that includes beer or citrus pulp. They contain the large amounts of fiber that dairy goats need.
3. Clean Water
Goats are surprisingly fastidious about their eating and drinking habits. They won't drink dirty water, and since they generally require two to three gallons each day, forgoing their daily water intake can be lethal. Give them fresh, clean water every morning, and, if possible, check it at least once a day to make sure it's free of dirt, insects, and other contaminants.
Also, know the signs of dehydration in case your goat isn't drinking enough. Lightly pinch the skin on the side of their neck. If the skin tents up and slowly returns to its normal position after being pinched, the goat is dehydrated and needs water.
When you need livestock feed for your dairy goat, visit Clifton Feed and Service Center. Since 1968, they have been serving customers throughout the Clifton, TX, area. They provide a comprehensive selection of farm and pet supplies, including goat, cattle, and horse feed. Call (254) 675-3416 or visit them online to learn more about their inventory or to place an order.