
 BBA 2.1 Meeting Summary

We Reviewed Last Year’s seminars to begin the meeting.  Highlights include a nice session by Dr. Mark Jackson where he talked about a comprehensive herd health program.  He said that all vaccines work best when coupled with a solid nutrition program.  Cattle have to be getting the proper nutrition for immunity to build.  In another session, Buck Thomason explained how genetics play a huge role in the productivity of a cattle herd.  He suggested that a rancher select herd bulls based on structural soundness and EPDs. Knowing what to expect from a bull’s offspring is very important in planning herd productivity.  James Jackson and Kent Ferguson handled our session in February and discussed weed control and forages. Jackson explained that early season herbicide application yielded the most forage.  Ferguson focused on common forages in our area and how rotational grazing helped grass re-growth.  Also, cattle graze on the best forage when rotational grazing is used.


Next, We Looked at the VAC 45 Sale Results from this fall.  Results from 4 different sales show these calves bringing from $5.00 to $20.00 per hundred more than the regular sale calves.  That’s $25.00 to $100.00 more per calf.  The calves are sold in groups instead of singles and have been weaned at least 45 days.  They are given two rounds of vaccines and have been on a good nutrition program.  Buyers responded very well to these calves, knowing that their added value made them a good solid purchase with reduced risk.


Finally, We Explored Things that yield the most return to cattle producers.  We discussed the Income and Expense ledger that beef producers use to make management decisions and how changing one area can have a big impact on the bottom line.  Producers should choose things that affect profit in a positive way.  We looked at the cost and return of using herbicides, buying a bull with added value, and preparing calves to be sold in VAC 45 sales.  Always weigh each investment decision with the “potential for greatest return”.


MVP Tubs for Sale


With the sale of the local manufacturing plant to Land O Lakes (Purina), MVP tubs will now be sold at Clifton Feed.  Customers cannot pick up the tubs at the manufacturing plant as in the past.  Following are the initial products that will be in inventory. 


MVP  21%   200#

MVP 30%  (all natural)  200#

MVP Mineral   200#


No change has been made to the formulas or the quality of the tubs.  Drop by the store and we will be glad to help!


Red Chain Feeds at CFSCRed Chain Feeds @ Clifton FeedRed Chain Feeds at CFSC


We are now a dealer for Red Chain feeds.  This has been a nice addition to our Purina line as Red Chain has a very strong commitment to quality and detail.  Following is a list of the products available at our store.  Let us know if you have an additional product that you have been using and would like us to carry. 

Stocker 10

20% Range Cubes

Duncan Supreme

20% Range Meal

38% Combo Cake

Red Chain Meat Goat


  Remember, the next BBA (2.2) meeting will be held on January 15, 2019 at the Clifton Civic Center.   We will discuss cattle working pens, panels, chutes, fencing, and cattle feeders.   Please save the date.



