May 2019 Newsletter
Now is the time to control weeds in pastures and put a brush control plan together.
Listed below are several options.
No License | Product Use | Restricted | Product Use |
Cimarron | Broadleaf Weeds | 2,4-D | Broadleaf Weeds |
PastureGard HL | Weeds, Prickly Pear | MezaVue | Prickly Pear |
Remedy | Weeds, Mesquite | Surmount | Brush, Prickly Pear |
Sendero | Mesquite | Grazon P+D | Broadleaf Weeds |
Relegate | Weeds, Mesquite | GrazonNext HL | Broadleaf Weeds |
Glyphosate | Grass & Weeds | Tordon |
Weeds, Brush |
Prickly Pear can be treated with either PastureGard HL or the new MezaVue product. Each should be mixed with water at the rate of 1%. Ranchers should also add a surfactant called MSO (seed oil) to help the herbicide mixture penetrate the leaf surface.
Mesquite can be controlled using Sendero + surfactant on the leaves. This treatment should be done in our area during June and July when the mesquite leaves turn dark green. Basal treatment using Remedy or Relegate + diesel can be done anytime during the year. Mix 25% chemical with 75% diesel.
Spring is Cattle Working Time
With spring calves on the ground, it is time to address herd health by working the cow herd + calves. I have listed the typical vaccines and other activities that typically would make up the working process. Blackleg and ViraShield vaccines for the cow are only given annually. I have listed them here, but could be done in the fall. There are several de-worming options…...I only listed one here for an example. This small investment in our cow herd is so important. Always consult with your veterinarian to address specific health needs for your herd.
Activity | Product | Cost |
De-Worm Cow | Cydection PO | 6.00 |
Blackleg Cow | BarVac 8 | .75 |
Vira/Lepto Cow | ViraShield 6+L5 | 2.60 |
Blackleg Calf | BarVac 8 | .75 |
Tag Calf | AllFlex | 1.20 |
Castrate Males | Knife or Band | N/A |
How will you market your calves this year? With fall-born calves getting close to weaning and spring-born calves on the ground, it’s not too early to put your marketing plan together. Are you doing the things it takes to sell calves with added value? Remember to add calf weigh by using crossbreeding. Also, castrate the bull calves for extra price/pound. Do you have replacement heifers that you want to sell? Will you wean them and grow to yearling weight? Are you in position to sell calves through a VAC 45 special sale? If so, do you know what sale date you want to target and what the required weaning date should be? Ranchers invest lots of time and money in good bulls, grass and hay, equipment, herd health and other activities throughout the year. You get paid when you sell calves. Spend some time figuring out how to get the most return at sale time!