4 Ways to Combat Behavioral & Health Concerns in Older Horses
Realizing your horse isn’t the energetic foal they once were is a bittersweet experience. While there are still plenty of positive moments and wonderful memories, caring for an older horse does have unique challenges. From handling new behaviors to keeping a strict nutritional regimen with the help of quality livestock feed, here are some points to keep in mind as your horse enters their golden years.
A Guide to Special Care for Senior Horses
1. Monitor Signs of Sleep Deprivation
It’s not uncommon for older horses to avoid lying down to sleep. While this isn’t immediately worrying, this behavior can persist for several weeks. This amount of time without deep rest is unhealthy and can cause several different problems, including sudden collapsing. If you suspect this issue in your older horse, contact a care professional right away to get to the bottom of the behavior.
2. Maintain a Balanced Diet
When a horse enters old age, it may lose weight rather suddenly. Because of various issues such as dental problems or reduced intestinal function, your horse may not be able to process and absorb nutrients as they once did in their younger years. Work with your care professional to pick a high-quality, senior-focused livestock feed for the animal to ensure they can process the nutrients they need without stressing their digestive system. It’s also necessary to introduce the new livestock feed gradually over three weeks or so to give them time to adjust.
3. Ensure Uninterrupted Feeding Time
Even the most venerated senior horse can be pushed around by the younger, more energetic members of the group. This can be especially noticeable during feeding time. These behaviors can scare the senior to the point of running away from the food whenever the threatening horses get close. Provide a quiet, private area for the older horse to eat in peace so they’re able to maintain a healthy intake of nutrients.
4. Schedule Regular Checkups
Older horses are more susceptible to various health threats such as parasites, injuries from falls, and dental issues. The best way to stay ahead of any serious conditions is to schedule regular checkups with your care provider and report any unusual changes in the animal’s behavior as soon as possible.
If you’re looking for high-quality livestock feed to keep your aging horse healthy, turn to Clifton Feed and Service Center in Bosque County, TX. The business has been a reliable source for pet, livestock, and garden supplies for more than 50 years and takes pride in providing exceptional service to every customer. Browse through the extensive inventory of products on the website, or call (254) 675-3416 to speak with a friendly representative today.