
From all of us at Clifton Feed, we want to send out our best wishes to you and your family during this Christmas season!  May the Christmas Spirit fill your household with Joy and Hope!  Following is our holiday business schedule: 

Thursday, December 24th……….Close at Noon

Friday, December 25th…………..Closed

Saturday, December 26th………..Close at Noon


Big Buck Contest


Clifton’s Big Buck contest is in full swing as we enter December 2020.  If you have registered for the contest, be sure and bring in your buck to be measured.  The contest runs through January 2, 2021 and hunters have until midnight on January 5th to have your deer scored.  Go to our website, to view all the entries to the Big Buck contest.


Winter Cattle Management


Cattle production always revolves around forage.  Particular attention to forage in the winter months is important because all warm season grasses stop growing and go into a dormant stage.  In most cases a rancher has 3 choices concerning forage in the winter……….1.)  Let cattle graze dormant grass if it is available.

2.)  Feed Hay.  3.)  Graze winter forage like oats, wheat or ryegrass.


When using dormant standing grass, ranchers usually feed a liquid supplement like Purina Accuration High Fat Liquid.  This enables cattle to digest the poor quality forage and maintain good body condition.  Feeding hay also requires supplemental feeding in the form of cubes, syrup tubs or Accuration Liquid.  Grazing winter forage would require a good High Magnesium mineral to help prevent grass tetany problems. 


Lastly, ranchers should make sure the cow herd has been rid of internal and external parasites.  Using a good de-worming product and a product to kill lice will help cows utilize the forage, supplement and mineral that cow/calf producers feed in the winter.  Proper winter cattle management is crucial to maintaining good body condition to enable cows to be successful with calving in the spring.


Business Partners with You


Clifton Feed is very blessed to have served the Bosque County area for these past 52 years.  There are so many memories that we have in working with this community!  Our customers and employees are the backbone of our business partnership that we enjoy.  As the years have gone by, we have had the opportunity to serve 3 generations of the same family, making many new friends along the way. 


As in any partnership, we have equal parts in working with each other.  Our job is to provide the best products and programs that are available in our industry.  We strive to provide the best customer service that we can, always trying to get better.  We ask that you give us feedback, both good and bad!  We need to know as soon as possible if you get bad feed or poor service.  Our goal is to be your partner for another 50 years!






