
When the summer heat rolls in, having a functioning air conditioning system is imperative. One of the keys to ensuring yours is safe from costly breakdowns is by performing annual maintenance, and that’s easier when you understand how it works. That’s why you should be familiar with these crucial components and potential problems they might face.

How Does an Air Conditioning System Work?

1. Condenser

This is the outdoor unit, and it houses the compressor, which helps circulate the refrigerant needed to cool the air throughout the system. It also has condenser coils and a fan to release the warm air back outside.

Refrigerant leaks, dirty coils, and problems with the fan are all common problems for outdoor condensers. An annual tuneup includes an inspection of the various components and performing preventative maintenance to keep everything operating efficiently.

2. Blower Fan

Air ConditioningThe blower fan is responsible for circulating air over the evaporator coils inside the home. This cools the air from the outdoor unit before moving it upward and into the house.

It runs on a motor, and over time, this can start to malfunction due to normal wear and tear. Parts, like the capacitor and belt, need to be tuned each year to prevent the blower fan from breaking down.

3. Air Filter

As air circulates throughout the home, contaminants like dirt, pollen, and pet dander work their way through the system. The air filter is responsible for capturing these contaminants before they can damage the blower fan and diminish the indoor air quality.

Over time, though, they become clogged and restrict airflow. That reduces the overall efficiency and increases the wear and tear on the entire system. At least every season, the old filter should be replaced by a high-efficiency one to avoid these problems.

4. Ducts

When the cooled air leaves the blower fan, it travels through a system of ducts. These guide the air to the individual rooms throughout the home. Regular wear and tear or poor installation can cause the ducts to become disconnected.

That lets the cooled air escape before it reaches the rooms. They also become filled with harmful contaminants that result in a drop in indoor air quality. Each year, the ducts need to be inspected for leaks and cleaned to remove any accumulated dirt and debris.


The best way to ensure your air conditioning system continues to operate efficiently is by scheduling an annual tune-up with the experts at Frederick & Sons Air Conditioning & Plumbing. This family-owned and -operated company has been servicing systems in the Chandler, AZ, area for more than 35 years, so they have the experience needed to perform a thorough inspection and provide any preventative maintenance you need. Learn more about their services online or schedule a free estimate by calling (480) 525-6763.
