
If you were hurt in an auto wreck that someone else caused, you might have grounds for a personal injury claim. While you’re certainly entitled to proceed on your own, it’s wise to enlist help from a seasoned auto accident attorney for the following reasons.

Why You Should Work With an Auto Accident Attorney

1. Gather Strong Evidence

To recover a payout, you’ll have to prove both liability and damages. A reputable personal injury firm will have the resources to conduct an investigation that yields evidence of both. If necessary, your lawyer will interview eyewitnesses, depose relevant experts, gather dashcam footage, and file subpoenas to obtain cell phone records, toxicology reports, black box data, and other proof that may be hard to get otherwise.

2. Determine Total Damages

auto accidentIn Alabama, car accident victims may seek compensation for both monetary and non-monetary losses. An attorney will organize the receipts, bills, invoices, and paystubs that demonstrate your economic damages, such as medical expenses and lost wages. They'll also help you quantify non-economic damages, including pain and suffering.

3. Avoid Critical Mistakes

Did you know the claims adjuster will likely monitor your social media activity, or that providing a recorded statement too early could lock-in your damages and prevent you from seeking additional compensation? If you hire an attorney on day one, you can avoid making critical mistakes that hurt your chances of securing a fair payout.


For help with your car accident claim, turn to Forstman & Cutchen. Located in Birmingham, AL, this personal injury firm was founded in 1967 and has been providing exceptional legal guidance ever since. Their knowledgeable team knows how to prove fault in car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, and they have the resources to go up against even the largest insurers and motor carriers. To request a free consultation with an auto accident attorney, reach out on their website or call (205) 328-7400.
