
Also known as resistance training, strength training is useful for any workout regimen. Some people think this kind of exercise leads to “bulking up,” but this is a common misconception. It can help people get whatever kind of body they desire. Learn more about this type of exercise in the guide below, including how to do it safely. 

What Is Strength Training? 

Resistance training involves using your own bodyweight or assorted fitness tools, such as dumbbells and resistance bands, to improve strength, build muscle, and increase endurance. By stressing the muscles and bones with weight-bearing exercises, the body’s cells rebuild them as stronger, denser versions. While you can achieve a “bodybuilder”-like appearance, this requires regularly lifting significant amounts of weight and consuming large amounts of calories, including protein, since it helps the body gain muscle mass. Otherwise, you can use resistance training to tone up while remaining slim.

What Are the Benefits?

strength training

Creating stronger bones with strength training reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. It also helps preserve muscle mass, as the body tends to lose both muscle and bone mass after the age of 30. 

Engaging in weight-bearing exercises contributes to a high-functioning metabolism since muscle burns calories more efficiently than fat. Combining cardiovascular conditioning with resistance training also helps the body burn calories after your workout due to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. 

Incorporating your bodyweight or actual weights into your workouts makes you physically stronger, so tasks like carrying heavy boxes are easier. Lastly, while you might not see a dramatic change on the scale because muscle weighs more than fat, you’ll enjoy a tighter waistline and an overall leaner body. 

How Can You Do It Safely & Effectively? 

To get the most from your workouts, always warm up first. Walking and stretching warm and loosen the muscles, as stiff muscles tear easily. Avoid using too much weight, especially at first, to prevent severe muscle fatigue and injuries, and remember to breathe. Doing so provides the muscles with oxygen to keep them functioning optimally. 

Additional tips include learning the proper form for each weight training exercise, as lifting without using your full range of motion causes body misalignment issues that can result in pulled muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 


For assistance with your strength training form, work out at Freedom Fitness in Wentzville, O'Fallon, Maryland Heights, or Cottleville, MO. Serving Greater St. Louis, this gym provides month-to-month pricing, nutrition advice, and workout help from experienced trainers. Rather than offering a membership-based system, you can arrange for private or group lessons to make the most of your time exercising. Call (636) 926-3364 to start your fitness journey, or visit the website for location information.
