
Cockroaches are common house pests found around the world. They're known for their ability to adapt and survive, and they're extremely adept at seeking locations that will provide them the resources they need to thrive. The first step to roach removal is recognizing what aspects of your home are attracting these uninvited visitors.

What Is Attracting Cockroaches to Your Home?

1. Water

Cockroaches need water to survive. They'll seek out moisture wherever they can find it. This includes standing water in or around a home; around condensate lines in air conditioners and refrigerators; and even in sponges, scrubbers, and towels around sinks and tubs. 

Water leaks can be especially appealing to roaches. If a pipe or faucet is dripping water, have it repaired right away, and contact a roach removal professional if the problem attracted pests.

2. Food

roach removal

Roaches aren't picky eaters and will consume any edible products. They're omnivores, but they have a preference for meats, fatty foods, and starches.

Their acute senses easily draw them to food sources, including lingering crumbs on countertops or floors. Carefully wipe down all counters after every meal, and store food in airtight containers. 

You should also rinse out cans, cartons, and other packages before recycling or throwing them into the garbage. Sweep and vacuum regularly to remove potential food sources for the critters. 

3. Accessibility

Roaches can squeeze through the tiniest spaces to invade your home. If they suspect your house offers food, water, or shelter, they'll try to find a way in. Common access points include cracks in walls and foundations, drains and exhaust vents, gaps in floorboards, and any other spots that provide access to the interior.

Avoid intruders by inspecting the interior and exterior of the home carefully. Seal any cracks with caulking, replace loose or damaged weatherstripping around doors and windows, use drain stoppers, and install vent screens.


If you see a cockroach, act quickly and contact a roach removal professional. Ray's Property Maintenance & Pest Control has served Monroe County, NY, for nearly two decades. They provide pest control and wildlife removal services, as well as property maintenance and repairs. Their professionals will help you control a cockroach infestation and provide additional tips for avoiding future problems. Call (585) 301-5811 or visit their website to request a quote for roach removal.
