
Dogs often spend their time looking out the window or sitting by sliding glass doors with their noses pressed against the surface. This can leave drool and mucus marks on the glass, which harden over time. While this is a cute way your animal shows affection, you may not want stains on these surfaces. If you need advice for effectively removing these, here are some tips for tackling pet nose stains on glass.

How to Remove Your Dog’s Nose Prints from Glass

1. Act Immediately

A fresh stain is easier to clean than one that has set in. While the mucus on your window or sliding glass doors is still wet, you can easily wipe it off with a damp cloth. This will keep the debris from getting crusty and leaving a mark.

2. Prepare a Cleaning Solutionsliding glass doors

If you remove the debris but still see a stain, use a water and vinegar solution to get rid of it. The vinegar helps break down the stain without harsh chemicals that could endanger your family and pets. Scrub the area with a soft cloth until the stain is gone. To remove lingering smells, wipe it with soap and rinse with water.

3. Use a Squeegee 

A squeegee wipes a surface quickly and efficiently, leaving fewer streaks than cloth. They are also more cost-effective and less wasteful than paper towels, which are single-use. After the area is wet, slide your squeegee across it to clean it completely, and you’ll have a sparkling clean sliding glass door.

Shepard’s Glass, Inc. is the expert on all things glass. Since 1959, this family-owned company has offered residential and commercial clients in Kalispell, MT, and the Flathead Valley maintenance and installation of glass products. Whether you want to install a skylight or change your sliding glass doors, they can help. To ask about their inventory, call (406) 755-4540.
