
Trees add value to your property. Not only do they provide some much-needed shade during the warmer months, but they also greatly improve the curb appeal of your home. If you've recently had trees planted, proper tree care is more important than ever. Here are a few essential steps. 


Use mulch to boost growth. 

Organic mulch retains moisture and warmth in the soil surrounding plants while also providing essential nutrients. Mulch should be applied in a layer that ranges between two and four inches, and it should extend to at least the diameter of the canopy above. 

However, leave a bare diameter of soil around the trunk that measures at least four inches. When mulch touches the base of the trunk, it can increase the risk of decay and fungal growth. 

Be careful when watering.

While water is essential for new trees, overwatering can be detrimental. Schedule watering once every two to three days, and aim to provide at least ten gallons of water per week. Water should be applied to the soil above the root ball, and the soil should be moist but not oversaturated. If you're not sure whether your tree needs water, feel the soil for dampness. If it's feeling dry, go ahead and add some more. 


tree care

Prune the tree during the first year. 

Pruning is an important aspect of tree care, but it should only take place once your tree has been planted for at least one year. Pruning too early can unnecessarily stress a young tree and stunt its growth. However, dead and broken branches can be removed from new trees to ensure nutrients are evenly distributed. 

Damage the bark. 

Even minor damage to the bark can allow pests and diseases to infiltrate your growing tree. When mowing your lawn or removing weeds, keep equipment far from the trunk to prevent nicks and scratches. If you're concerned about possible damage, consider creating a barrier with landscaping rocks or stakes around the perimeter of the trunk. 


Because proper maintenance is so crucial for new trees, it's best to get a professional opinion. Backed by more than 50 years of experience, Modern Tree Surgery Inc. is the trusted choice in Advance, NC. They can let you know when your tree requires pruning and will perform it using the best practices. They can also diagnose diseases and other issues to provide the best possible solution. Call (336) 998-5087 to learn more about their tree care services. 
