
Your home's water supply may naturally contain harsh minerals that can take a toll on your body and appliances. Luckily, a water softener can remove these minerals to improve the quality of your home's water. Before you invest in this appliance, review this guide to help you understand how it works and how it can benefit your household.

How Does a Water Softener Work?

Water softeners are popular plumbing appliances that use a process known as ion exchange to remove minerals and other impurities from your home's water supply. Magnesium and calcium are particularly harsh and can present a range of problems for your appliances, skin, hair, and laundry. Small resin beads in the water softener attract these molecules and filter them out of the supply, leaving your home with soft, healthy water. 

What Are Its Benefits?

water softener

If you have hard water, showers may leave your skin dry and irritated and your hair dull and brittle. Soft water is gentler on your skin and leaves your body feeling moisturized instead of dry. This can help soothe your skin, meaning you'll no longer need to moisturize after every shower to keep from developing an uncomfortable rash. Your hair will also be shinier and healthier since it is no longer dried out.

It also benefits your plumbing fixtures to have soft water running through your pipes. You'll notice that your tap water no longer has a metallic aftertaste, as minerals and other chemicals will be filtered out. Soft water also won't leave buildup on your pipes and faucets, making house cleaning easier and leaving your appliances in better shape.


If you recognize the signs of hard water in your home, contact Labrash Plumbing to evaluate your situation and install a new water softener system to improve your household's quality of life. Operating out of Farmington, MN, this plumbing service is licensed and insured and offers inspections, maintenance, repairs, and installations on most plumbing systems. Visit their website to learn more about their water softener installations, or call (651) 444-6555 to request a free estimate.
