
Over the past decade, spinning workouts have become one of the fastest growing trends in fitness. Spin class provides all of the benefits of a high-intensity cardio workout in a fun, group fitness environment. Spinning devotees love the combination of heart-pounding music and motivational feedback from trainers.

RedBike Studios is one of the most popular locations for spinning workouts in Miami, FL. When training both new and experienced clients, the instructors at RedBike always remind them to monitor and control their heart rate. Below, their instructors explain why controlling your heart rate during spin class is so important.

Reaching Your Target Heart Rate Is Good for Your Health

It is no secret that regular exercise — especially the cardiovascular exercise you get during spin class — is great for your health. Any workout that allows you to reach 60-85% of your target heart rate for half an hour, five days a week, will result in a longer, better quality of life. Additionally, routine cardiovascular workouts can improve the management of chronic diseases such as diabetes.

You Will Get in Great Shape

spin classAn elevated heart rate will increase your calorie burn. Burning calories is essential when you are looking to lose or maintain your weight. In addition to helping you maintain your weight, raising your heart rate through exercise trains your heart to deliver blood and oxygen to your muscles more efficiently. The increase in blood and oxygen means your muscles will be able to go longer before reaching exhaustion and muscle failure. In other words, the more you exercise, the more resilient your muscles will become and the better physical condition you will be in.

Monitoring Your Heart Rate Helps You Stay Safe

It is important to note that while you want your heart rate to be elevated during your spin class, your heart rate should still remain under control. If you are exceeding 85% of your maximum heart rate during your workout, you put yourself at risk of heart rate recovery failure and over-training. Either of these conditions could potentially sideline you from future workouts, so wear a heart rate monitor during workouts to ensure your safety.

If you would like to experience the heart-pounding fun of a spin class, call (305) 646-1499 to try your free first workout with RedBike Studios. To view their hours and locations, visit the RedBike Studios website. You can also connect with them on Facebook.
