Healthy living usually includes a nutritious diet, regular exercise, stress management, and a focus on your overall mental health and wellness. However, there are other ways you can change your lifestyle for the better. Technologies like galvanic skin response (GSR) can maximize your ability to stay on track. Use the following guide to incorporate this response into your routine.
What Is Galvanic Skin Response?
GSR is a way to measure electrodermal activity by monitoring changes in the sweat glands. In 1849, Emil du Bois-Reymond discovered skin was electrically active. This ultimately led to the modern development of sensor technology. Today, GSR sensors are used in polygraph tests and advanced fitness trackers to monitor your heart rate.
How Does It Work?
GSR sensors are used on the skin to measure electrical conductivity. When electrodes are attached directly to the skin, they can identify slight changes in your sweat glands. These glands activate or disengage depending on the intensity of your physical workouts. As your body's moisture levels change, the electrical conductivity of your skin alters. Therefore, GSR sensors can tap into your physiological state.
How Can GSR Products Enhance Healthy Living?
Healthy living requires balance to manage your physical and emotional health. A wearable device with GSR sensors can track your physical progress as you exercise. This allows you to check your heart rate, blood pressure, and calorie burn. GSR sensors can also measure stress as individuals are more likely to sweat and experience heightened skin conductivity when fear or excitement intensifies. By using this technology, you can identify emotional triggers and determine when to take a moment to breathe, relax, or meditate.
If you're looking for natural therapies and useful products for healthy living, visit Vitanya Wellness Center in Mesa, AZ. This alternative wellness organization has provided reliable health maintenance programs for over a decade. Call (480) 407-7407 today to schedule a consultation, or visit their Facebook page for updates.