
A home’s concrete foundation supports the frame, finishes, and everything else used to create the structure, meaning that it must be strong. Monolithic and stem-wall are the two popular types of residential foundations. Whether you’re building from the ground up or are considering foundation repairs, understanding these types of foundations will ensure you make the right decisions and take the proper steps for your home’s base.


Monolithic foundations are laid in a single concrete pour. A cement truck delivers the concrete, which is then poured into a wood foundation mold the contractor has placed. The base is 6-10 inches thick, and areas below load-bearing walls may be reinforced with more concrete. Metal mesh is laid within the concrete to hold it together.

Homeowners choose this method because it’s fast and easy. The project is completed in one workday and only requires a few workers to spread and smoothen the concrete. This process also makes monolithic slabs affordable.

However, they do require an even, flat soil base since shifting soil and fill dirt will crack the foundation. Cracking results in serious structural problems that will require costly foundation repairs, so the site must be well-compacted. They’re also not ideal for installment on ground that freezes since frost may cause the soil to heave and crack the foundation. There are, however, insulating options that will protect the slab from cold temperatures.


foundation repairsStem-wall foundations begin with a footer slab. The concrete is then poured horizontally over compacted soil. Footing blocks are then stacked along the fill dirt up to the concrete slab, which is usually only a few feet high. Fill dirt is then applied to the other side of the footing blocks to secure them.

This design routes the load of the house through the concrete slab and down the footings so that there’s less stress, and it also allows homeowners to build on grades. While more work and materials are required, there are long-term benefits. The crawlspace below the home protects against flooding. Professionals can also route plumbing, wiring, and other utilities directly below the home and easily access them in the future for repairs.


If you’re looking for home renovation services in Kernersville, NC, contact Ward Construction & Remodeling. These professionals provide a wide scope of services, including foundation repairs, kitchen and bathroom remodeling, and structural repairs. They work on churches, historic homes, and more, which you can learn about on their website. Call (336) 833-9273 to speak with a representative.
