
The brain requires a steady flow of oxygen to absorb nutrients. Drastic changes in blood pressure, trauma, and blockages interrupt the flow, resulting in a stroke. A stroke can damage or kill brain cells, resulting in lasting effects. Fortunately, stroke rehabilitation helps patients recover. Here’s more information about how treatment will improve your quality of life over time.

How Does a Stroke Impact the Body?

Cellular damage interferes with how the central nervous system sends messages to the brain. Patients may experience reduced hand-eye coordination, muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, and loss of bladder or bowel control. Loss of movement and sensation on one side of the body is another common reaction. The tongue and throat may become paralyzed as a result, a condition called dysphagia. This affects speech, eating, and breathing.

stroke rehabilitationMuscles throughout the body can become chronically tight, reducing range of motion and flexibility. The tension, called spasticity, can be a constant source of pain. Muscles may also shorten from chronic tension, causing additional range of motion problems.

How Will Rehabilitation Help?

Stroke rehabilitation uses a combination of motor-skill exercises and physical training to reteach the brain the skills that it lost.

First, a therapist may perform massage therapy to loosen tense muscles and stretch the limbs, improving range of motion and flexibility. A professional might also use light strength training. For example, learning to place a circular peg into a similarly shaped crevice, crumbling a piece of paper, or shifting onto a weakened leg may slowly restore motor function and strength.

As you progress, the physical therapist increases exercise complexity and intensity. Patients use their body weight or resistance bands to sit, bend over, twist, lunge, and rotate their wrists and shoulders. Strengthening these muscles helps the body support its weight. Patients may then walk with a cane or in a harness, eventually progressing to using a treadmill. With time, stroke rehabilitation will help you regain your independence.


If you want to explore stroke rehabilitation, contact AVORS Medical Group of Lancaster, CA. Serving the Antelope Valley, this practice takes a personalized approach to therapy. Their skilled staff uses combinations of massage therapy, chiropractic care, and sports medicine to resolve symptoms. Call (661) 726-5005 to schedule a consultation, or visit their website to learn more about their program. 
