
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used in a promising treatment for injuries and chronic pain. Platelets are small, disk-shaped cell fragments that are heavily involved in the healing process. By concentrating and directing them to a specific area of the body, PRP injections may promote recovery. Here are a few ways you might benefit from this procedure.

Why Patients Choose PRP Injections for Pain Management

1. Safety

PRP injections use the body's own tissues. Before the treatment, a doctor will draw your blood so a lab can separate the necessary plasma and platelets from other components, like red blood cells, which they discard. 

Using your blood for treatment may prevent complications and adverse reactions, including pain, chills, fever, and fainting, because there are no foreign chemicals or donor tissues that your immune system might attack.

2. Faster Healing

PRP injections

When platelets are concentrated in an area, they can aid in blood clotting, an essential step in healing wounds. These cells grow in long tendrils, which allows them to bind to the site of a blood vessel injury, sealing the gap and preventing additional bleeding. 

Early studies show that this significantly increases healing speed for patients with muscle injuries. Quicker recovery times are especially important for athletes who need to get back to their regular training and competition schedules.

3. Reduced Inflammation

PRP injections can also be used to treat long-term muscular and skeletal conditions. For example, arthritis causes joint inflammation because of an immune system response. When used with medications, PRP injections can reduce pain and inflammation from some kinds of arthritis, including osteoarthritis. 

These injections may also help with plantar fasciitis, or inflammation of the bottom of the foot. Researchers don't yet understand how the treatment reduces inflammation, but there is strong initial evidence that it can work.



If you’re interested in PRP injections, turn to AVORS Medical Group of Lancaster, CA. Serving the Antelope Valley, their doctors are fellowship-trained and stay at the cutting edge of treatment options. They focus on rehabilitation, pain management, and massage therapy to develop a customized treatment plan for your symptoms. Call (661) 726-5005 to make an appointment, or learn more about their services online.
