
Quality lighting transforms your patio into a usable space when the sun goes down. Therefore, the layout for your patio design should include illumination, as it can enhance the aesthetics and effectiveness of the area. Here are a few ways you can create an appealing outdoor space.

What Influences Patio Lighting Design?

1. Function

Safety and function often first come to mind when you think about what's important for your patio. Illuminate dark areas with wayfinding lights to ensure everyone can see where they're walking and avoid tripping over items. You can also add task lighting to help with activities, like grilling for friends or reading a book before bedtime. 

Area lights illuminate the entire patio so that the space appears welcoming and safe. Complement them with accent lamps around plants or tucked under your gutters. These can emphasize a beautiful garden bed or create unique shadows and light displays against the side of your home.

2. Placement

patio design

When creating a patio design, strategize which areas you want to highlight. The right illumination creates a dramatic and warm effect that draws attention to the outdoor space. Therefore, avoid placing lights everywhere throughout the patio to prevent an overwhelming brightness.

For example, prop lighting against the adjacent home if you have an open patio. You can then wire in lampposts and other standalone fixtures for more illumination on the other side of the outdoor feature. Or, if there's an opposing fence, you can run string lights from the gutters and over the patio.

3. Aesthetics

You want your lighting fixtures to blend in with the existing design, so choose fixtures that match the furniture and materials. A beautiful stone patio, for example, pairs well with traditional lantern-style lights. If you want the illumination to complement a contemporary design, include exposed bulbs throughout the space.

Opt for fixture colors and forms that create cohesion. For instance, discreet black fixtures with minimalist housing won't draw attention away from a welcoming seating area.


The professionals at Patio Designers will carefully consider every aspect of patio design when creating an outdoor space for your home. Serving Iron Triangle, CA, this team offers a stunning array of work, ranging from open patios to sunrooms and decks. They also work with various materials, including stamped concrete and composite decking. Learn more about how they can upgrade your outdoor space online, and call (877) 757-2846 to schedule a consultation.
