
All restaurants need to take precautions to prevent kitchen fires, including implementing the right grease management practices. Your grease trap filters the fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from the wastewater and prevents them from flowing into the sewer. While maintaining the trap is the most important protective measure you can take, there are other ways to manage grease in your kitchen. Here’s what you should know.

How to Manage Grease in Your Restaurant Kitchen

1. Clean the Grease Trap

It’s imperative to clean the trap on a regular basis. While it depends largely on how much FOG is generated in the kitchen, a general rule is to schedule cleaning at least once every three months. This is the only way to ensure that the trap works efficiently, and it will significantly reduce the risk of a grease fire.

2. Don’t Rinse Away Grease

grease trap

Grease will solidify if it’s rinsed down the drain. As it accumulates inside the pipes, it can cause a significant blockage that will require professionals to clear. Depending on the location of the clog, you could experience a sewage backup that creates a health hazard for your employees and customers. Instead, aim to recycle FOG by submitting it to a waste company that can convert it to fuel.

3. Clean All Surfaces Regularly

Grease buildup on the counter can cause accidents while cooking, while accumulation on the appliances can make them difficult to handle and create a messy environment. Greasy floors can pose slip hazards for cooks, other kitchen workers, and customers if the oil is tracked out into the dining area. As such, you can avoid potential liability situations by making sure that your employees clean these surfaces at least once a day or immediately if any spills happen.

4. Clean the Exhaust Filters

The exhaust helps maintain clean indoor air, but the filters eventually become trapped with an abundance of byproducts. When FOG collects on them, it can increase the chances of a kitchen fire. Ideally, they should be cleaned at least once every three months.


If you need professionals to clean or inspect your restaurant's grease trap, turn to Transou’s Septic Tank Service in Clemmons, NC. Having proudly served commercial clients since 1952, they'll ensure that your trap is safe, clean, and efficient. They'll keep your resturant's plumbing system functioning reliably for your employees and customers. Visit their website for more information on their services, or call (336) 765-1161 to schedule an appointment.
