
Instilling good values in young children is a high priority for many parents. Gratitude is an attribute that most parents want to foster in their kids as part of early childhood development, especially during the holiday season. This guide explains why this value is helpful for children and gives practical ideas for inspiring gratitude in little ones. 

What Parents Should Know About Gratitude in Children

Data shows that expressing thanks is one of the simplest ways to increase our own happiness and to improve our relationships with others – but gratitude usually isn’t inherent in young children. Researchers say this is because gratefulness is tied to emotional intelligence and self-awareness, which are skills that often don’t manifest in kids until they’re between three and five years old. 

When kids are first learning to express gratitude, they tend to focus on acts of appreciation or outward gestures to show gratefulness. For example, they may say “thank you” to someone, draw a picture, or give a small gift to a person they appreciate.

As kids progress through the stages of early childhood development, they’ll start to reflect inwardly on the things they appreciate, and this greater appreciation often leads to acts of service and kindness to others.

How to Create Gratitude in Young Kids During the Holiday Season

early-childhood-developmentTo build gratitude in children, you have to help them understand and appreciate the value of what they have. This extends beyond physical items to intangible aspects, like family, friends, and opportunities. The holidays are a fantastic time to focus on instilling this value since they’re often filled with gifts, family, and friends. 

There are some easy early childhood development exercises that you can do with your little ones during the holidays to help them feel grateful. Start simple by sharing three characteristics that you appreciate about one another before bedtime each night.

After receiving gifts, help your child draw small pictures or write “thank you” cards to the people who gave the gifts. Lastly, plan a small family service project – this might involve making hygiene kits for those in need, donating items to a charity, or giving gifts to a less fortunate family. During each activity, reflect with your child on their feelings and thoughts so that they can start to recognize gratitude. 


Instilling strong values in kids is a major focus for educators at Sugar N Spice Day Care & Kindergarten. They’ve served families throughout Hoover, AL for more than 40 years. This learning center offers a variety of interactive activities to help children develop, and all programs are led by highly qualified staff. Learn about their programs online or speak with a staff member at (205) 822-8581. 
